In order to see amazon's estimated true stock you need to have the latest version of the extension installed 3.0.4 and have an amazon business account. <- click this to open an amazon business account

You must have and use an amazon business account in order for this feature to work.

Steps to enable this feature.

1. Open options page in the extension

2. Check "Quantity availability for business account"

3. Enter how many you want to check by. I use 100. This just means you will get a report of the stock level number in the increment you set here. The lower the number the longer it may take to get amazon's stock level. If it is going very slow increase this number and it will go faster. 

Example: If amazon has 345 in stock and you use 100 as your decrement number then we will check if amazon has 900, then 800, then 700, then 600, then 500 then 400 then 300 and when we get to 300 in our example amazon will tell us they have 300 in stock because they really have (in our example) 345. So we will return 300. But you will know it could be any number between 300-400. 

Now click save at the bottom of the options screen. 

NOTE: This feature only works on amazon as a merchant for right now. All other merchants will get the old style of getting buyable quantity.